The event we chose was the National Latinx Heritage Month Celebration. The biggest challenge in creating the event promotional materials was finding a way to represent a wide range of Central and South American countries without feeling too specific to any one of them. A little bit of hand-lettered script gave it the right feel.

Another early piece of the process was to put together and direct some preliminary photo shoots of the food, both the final products and some ingredient/process shots.

I considered every detail, and even made a run to Pier 1 to grab some grown-up dishes for the shoots. 

Other supporting materials we created included table cards, comment cards, digital sign posters, and both printed and digital menus. 

Another important element was offering some sort of engagement along with the meal. El Centro brought a table with information and also circulated through the crowd. Furthermore, they were a great resource in helping me ensure that our visuals and our copy were appropriate and inclusive.

The event was spread over two different dining centers, both of which were fully decorated. I lined up two photographers to cover the evening, capturing both general use images as well as a list of specific things we needed to show for the award submission.

Food safety was a big focus in the submission, which we documented via photographs as well as hand-written logs throughout the evening.

After the dust settled from the event, it was time to assemble the formal submission. I designed and produced this hard-bound book, and even had the perfect blanket at home for the cover art.

Everything in the submission was judged, from ease of navigation to the number of photos used.

An example of the section headers in the book.

Example of the preliminary food photo shoots being used.

Food safety logs from the event.

A sampling of the materials we created for the event, including digital signs, web graphics, and printed pieces.

I worked with our videographer to promote the event on social media, and worked with El Centro to develop an explanatory sidebar regarding the terminology in use.

Winner winner!

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